Bike Yoke Revive Dropper Seatpost

  • Material: aluminum
  • Diameter: 30.9mm, 31.6mm
  • Length: 397mm, 467mm
  • Offset: 0mm
  • Travel: 125mm, 160mm

In the well-saturated dropper post market, it takes something special to make a new offering standout. Bike Yoke’s Revive Dropper Seatpost does just that. The Revive represents such a different take on dropper post functionality that Bike Yoke may as well have called it the Departure–as in, a departure from what we’ve come to expect. Namely, dropper posts that operate with an Internal Floating Piston (IFP) design, which is used to keep oil and air separate in the hydraulic system. If your dropper has ever inspired trail-side expletives, chances are good that IFP is to blame. It’s a notoriously finicky design because of the precise tolerances and hydraulic babysitting required, both of which will often manifest as stuck or outright unresponsive droppers. The Revive throws off the burdensome IFP yoke in several ways. First, it literally eliminates the IFP. Second, it cuts the number of dynamic seals in half compared to the three most common dropper models, going from four to two. The result is a simpler system that doesn’t require the precise tolerances and perfect seals of the typical IFP design, so it just works better because, well, it just works. And it keeps working without the issues inherent in IFP designs gumming up the works. If there’s one drawback to the Revive, it’s that, without the IFP keeping them separate, there’s more of a chance that air and oil will mix. This can generate a bit of give when the post is extended, but Bike Yoke has the solution. Its Revive Valve lets you “bleed” the post with nothing more than a 4mm Allen key and a bit of pressure on the saddle. That’s it. On the trail, in the garage, outside of the bike shop, in the bike shop, in the bike shop with an Allen key you borrowed from the bike shop because you lost your multi-tool–anywhere, anytime. It’s the simplest bleeding process we’ve ever experienced.

Bike Yoke Revive Dropper Seatpost Review

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